Replenish Retreat Replay Page

Our final Replenish retreat honored Imbolc. Feel free to join our free Facebook group to access future retreat invitations. Your beautiful, colorful retreat printable companions are available for you here (and a mini set too). By request I have added a black and white set also so you can also color them yourself.  

Just in time for Imbolc, I’m also delighted to announce the birth of my newest book: The Sacred Flame, a Brigid Devotional.

Scroll down for past retreat replay videos + beautiful printable companion cards.

Replenish is a earth-centered, goddess-inspired daily devotional reader offering you spots of time for reconnecting with the sacred and yourself. Replenish is available on Amazon and Kindle as well as in our etsy shop. This page contains all of the replay videos from our complete wheel of the year seasonal celebration retreats. After Imbolc, this series is complete. I look forward to creating something new to share with you in 2025.

You are invited to join us in community practice (live every Monday!) via the Goddess Magic community on Patreon (membership). And in daily practice, via #30DaysofGoddess (free).

Imbolc Retreat

Reminder: Trust the sacred current that flows through you and around you. Let us make decisions and take action from a place of grounded presence, rather than fear or reactivity. Let us follow our inspiration and creative impulses, knowing they are part of the infinite spark within us. Let us tend to our "threads in the web" and contribute to the larger community, reinforcing our sense of belonging. Let us embrace the cycles of darkness and light, resting in the womb of becoming before rising to blaze new trails.

This is a replay of our live Replenish retreat celebrating Imbolc.

Companion printables:

Replenish is available on Amazon and Kindle as well as in our etsy shop.

The Sacred Flame is available on:

New Book! The Sacred Flame

Announcing the birth of a new Brigid Devotional: The Sacred Flame! This powerful prayerbook will be released on February 1. It is currently available for pre-order on Kindle and will be available for pre-order in print on Etsy on January 24.

Winter Solstice Retreat

Reminder: Let us grant ourselves space to listen to the whispers of our inner longings and our soul dreams. Let us sit in the crucible of change and allow the old and new to steep together, trusting the necessary process of renewal.

This is a replay of our live Replenish retreat celebrating the Solstice.

Companion printables:

Replenish is available on Amazon and Kindle as well as in our etsy shop.

Samhain Retreat

Reminder: the magic you seek is already present within you, waiting to be accessed and expressed.

This is a replay of our live Replenish retreat celebrating Samhain.

Replenish is available on Amazon and Kindle as well as in our etsy shop.

Fall Retreat

Let us find and connect with our own personal power spots or "resurrection places.” Let us tune into our own personal landscapes and rhythms. Let us root ourselves in self-trust, self-nurturing, and honoring the "holiness of longing" as a doorway into spiritual and personal growth.

This is a replay of our live Replenish retreat celebrating Mabon.

Replenish is available on Amazon and Kindle as well as in our etsy shop.

Lammas Retreat

Let us savor what we've made. Let us steep in what we've chosen. Let us honor where we stand.

This is a replay of our live Replenish retreat celebrating Lammas.

Replenish is available on Amazon and Kindle as well as in our etsy shop.

Summer Solstice Retreat

Let us soak, soften, settle, and sink into summer.

This is a replay of our live Replenish retreat celebrating the Summer Solstice.

Replenish is available on Amazon and Kindle as well as in our etsy shop.

Beltane Retreat

Let us embrace the extraordinary gift of ordinary days.

This is a replay of our live Replenish retreat celebrating Beltane.

Replenish is available on Amazon and Kindle as well as in our etsy shop.

Day 1

Companion cards for the March retreat are available for you here.

This is the replay of Day One of our live Replenish retreat, celebrating the spring and the publication of my new book. I encourage you to prioritize your own restoration through daily sacred pauses and devotion--these "soul seconds" that can connect you with a sense of the holy. There is transformative potential in devotion--devotion to being here for our own lives as they unfold.

In this 30 minute retreat, you will be encouraged on your path, nurtured on your journey, and inspired to prioritize activities that bring joy, restore your spirit, and nurture well-being.

Day 2

This is the replay of Day Two of our live Replenish retreat, celebrating the spring and the publication of my new book!


  • Reflect on the question "How are you new in your bones?" as a journaling exercise.

  • Consider how it would feel to be "new to this earth." What would you delight in discovering or exploring? How might you allow yourself to have those things now?

Remembering we are always invited to return, to cross the threshold, to come back home to ourselves. We are always invited to begin again. This is where the power is, where the magic is. This is the life-changing, world-renewing magic of daily practice.

Day 3

This is a replay of Day Three of our live Replenish retreat, celebrating the spring and the publication of my new book!


  • Build a metaphorical "blessing basket" of varied spiritual practices to choose from each day.

  • Memorize a short prayer to say upon waking before doing anything else each morning.

  • Identify "threshold moments" during ordinary transitions during the day where you could add a sacred pause or bit of magic.

May you continue to make a space for the sacred and for yourself in your every day. The invitation is always here. We are always invited to return.

© 2024 Molly Remer, Brigid’s Grove, LLC

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